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Moyers & Company: Fighting for Fair Play on TV, and Taxes (Enhanced DVD)

Moyers & Company: Fighting for Fair Play on TV, and Taxes (Enhanced DVD)
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A discussion about a proposed Robin Hood Tax as well act need for more transparency in political campaign ads dominate this informative film.
Item Code: FI-49266
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Bill Moyers interviews media analyst Kathleen Hall Jamieson and discusses the role of the media in the 2012 presidential campaign. With both Obama and Romney taking out many types of ads, the number of deceptive ads in the 2012 campaign proved to be alarming to media analysts. The two commentators talk about campaign ad transparency and the need for better public policy that would address the issues of transparency during political campaigns. The host also interviews RoseAnn Demoro, the head of the largest union of registered nurses in the U.S., and discusses the idea of a Robin Hood Tax that would be paid on commercial transactions by the financial sector.

Moyers & Company: Fighting for Fair Play on TV, and Taxes
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62290-053-4
  • Run Time: 57 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2012
  • CC

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