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Human Resources Management: The Mind of a Leader 2 (Enhanced DVD)

Human Resources Management: The Mind of a Leader 2 (Enhanced DVD)
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Human Resources management (HRM) systems have transformed leadership models.
Item Code: FI-48951
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
Human capital is the primary asset of all companies. Change management organizations rely on the competency and advancement of HRM as a leveraged resource.

If human resource departments are undergoing continuous change, technological innovation has enabled organizations to compete more effectively for top candidates. The integration of business intelligence (BI) such as recruiting data in HRM, supports human resource managers in the calculation of programmatic value. Valuation of programs establishes a baseline for benchmark performance of an organization.

Smart leaders depend on data driven HRM strategies; reporting on outcomes to recruitment and retention.  No longer the sole provenance of chief executive leadership, core business processes and procedures overseen by human resource directors and managers place BI at the center of HRM strategy.

BI assists leaders in optimization of HRM, contributing internal insights to knowledge of evidence based practice. Human resource specialists offer that the future of HRM practice will likely be motivated by innovations in employee equity programs.

The instatement of ethics, rules, regulations, and operational processes is defined by the dynamics of feedback. From economic value added (EVA) employee-ownership compensation programs, to online continuing education and certification training, the quality of human resource leadership is largely associated with the investment in employee focused benefits.

The documentary investigation into global human resource management focuses on how effective leaders engender solidarity at all levels of an organization. Guests include Dame Anita Roddick, Michael Dukakis, Katie Ford, Pat Boone, Jim Buckmaster, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, Tony Visconti, and Franz Beckenbauer. The program is part of The Mind of a Leader 2 series.

Human Resources Management: The Mind of a Leader 2
  • DVD
  • ISBN 978-1-62290-032-9
  • Run Time (20 Minutes)
  • Copyright 2011
  • Closed Captioned (CC)

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