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Television Around the World: Iran (Enhanced DVD)

Television Around the World: Iran (Enhanced DVD)
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Discover how television is changing one of the world's most restrictive countries as experts weigh in on the influence of illegal TV in heavily restricted Iran.
Item Code: FI-48881
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
With all media strictly controlled, television in Iran is highly regulated. Most programming is religious-themed, males dominate the screen, and commercials are very restricted. Here, TV is known as the “Voice and Vision of the Islamic Republic”. It is often used as a propaganda vehicle where political prisoners are coerced into making confessions with fake interviews.

Despite the legal consequences, many people in Iran have begun to seek outside media. New, illegal satellite dishes allow viewers to intercept Western programming such as music videos, dramas, immigration information, and even pornography. This has given Iranians a change in taste for entertainment, one local TV stations are starting to appeal to. This documentary tries to answer an important question: Can TV really transform a society?

Television Around the World: Iran
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62102-969-4
  • Run Time: 26 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2005
  • CC

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