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Mauritius: TV in Africa (Enhanced DVD)

Mauritius: TV in Africa (Enhanced DVD)
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A documentary examining Mauritius' cultural, political, and social history through the study of the island's television programming.
Item Code: FI-48874
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Sale-Price: $99.95

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Product Description:
From the wacky sketches of Badinaz to the to the interracial romances of C'est la Vie, Mauritius: TV in Africa showcases the culturally history of the small, island nation in the Indian Ocean. As a part of the series TV in Africa, this 27-minute exploration of this Creole community highlights the hallmarks of a culture's moving picture media catalog. Reflecting on the importance of television programming as an indicator of Mauritius' political, social, and artistic climate, this educational presentation is subdivided into categories concentrating on a specific show, in order to magnify the dominating elements of a given project and discuss their specific impact to the island's culture. Featuring clips from Kel Fami! (What a Family!), Bonnto (That's Great), Tulsi, and Sega Hungama, this presentation utilizes television programming as a vehicle to concisely detail a people's culture.

Mauritius: TV in Africa
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62102-963-2
  • Run Time: 26 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2009
  • CC

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