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Tanzania/Zanzibar: TV in Africa (Enhanced DVD)

Tanzania/Zanzibar: TV in Africa (Enhanced DVD)
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Africa is a large continent with a mixture of many people that have very different cultural perspectives. This documentary film investigates the television programming found in Tanzania/Zanzibar.
Item Code: FI-48869
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Product Description:
Because of the support of communist China there are many Chinese language television shows broadcast in Tanzania. Nevertheless, the language of the indigenous people is Swahili. The most popular show offered in the native language is "Jarida la Wanawake." The Tanzanian population includes over 120 different ethnic groups, all mixed together as 35 million Tanzanian people. Television only became available in Tanzania during the 1990s. In the autonomous region of Zanzibar, television has been available since the 1970s. Another popular show is "Halikuniki.” It is a zany sit-com starring Juma Khamis. He plots crazy schemes, which fail. Every show ends up with slapstick fighting. There are shows offered in the English language as well, such as "Night Line.” "Night Line" is a locally produced news program in a television magazine format that focuses on the more positive news. Zanzibar is a group of islands. The Tanzanian national television channel has one program it produces that focuses on what is happening there called "Zanzibar Today." The East African television company produces "City Sounds," which is aired in Swahili and broadcasts in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. It covers local news as well. A television program confronting serious issues is called "Uswazi." It deals with topics such as poverty and debates about planning for increased urban development. Other popular shows include:
  • "Kemea," a reality television program that covers the most intense topics;
  • "Hadithi Za Bibi," which means “stories by grandma;”
  • "Bongo Star Search" that is a musical talent show featuring the favored "bongo flava" style.
Tanzania television is sometimes challenging to watch, in its depictions of the Tanzanian culture.

Tanzania/Zanzibar: TV in Africa
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62102-958-8
  • Run Time: 26 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2009
  • CC

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