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Travel: How to Take Stunning Photos (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-47508
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Sale-Price: $99.95

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Product Description:
The archetypal tourist camera captures does not wholly integrate the beauty of the aesthetically alluring landscapes. Committed to put an end to this emerging trend, renowned documentary director Martin Parr who also dabbles in photo journalism escorts a class of beginners through the craft of capturing remarkable vacation pictures. Martin employs his amusing photographic inspection of tourism as a focal point to teach his students how to convert humdrum monotonous views into unconventional outlook. Topics vary on a large number of subjects such as interacting with native people, underlining specific emotions, averting clichés, narrating a story, taking into consideration the dissimilarities and likeness alluding to one’s home surrounding, taking a call on whether to emphasis on details or the “big picture”.

(Travel: How to Take Stunning Photos, Enhanced DVD, 23 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-62102-699-0
Copy Right Date: 2010
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