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Exposed! The Ruthless Methods of the Paparazzi (Enhanced DVD)

Exposed! The Ruthless Methods of the Paparazzi (Enhanced DVD)
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Unearth the array of shady practices and tactics executed by members of the media's best kept secret. Develop a sincere appreciation for publicly exploited figures as you learn about the consistently invasive measures by which photographs and video footage is often obtained.
Item Code: FI-47466
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
From tapping phone calls and paying plain-clothes spies, to trespassing, planting microphones, and purchasing illegally acquired information, all is fair in love and headlines. Filmed in France, England, and Italy, this documentary introduces viewers to the covert world of these callous photographers. What's more, the film includes details about Antonio Zappadu, the man who is notoriously responsible for those compromising images of Silvio Berlusconi, and the resulting scandal. But is it ever really worth it? This edition of Exposed! asks viewers to take an objective overview to assess whether people like Zappadu are doing a public service or if they are simply crossing the line. (55 minutes)

Exposed! The Ruthless Methods of the Paparazzi (Enhanced DVD)
  • ISBN: 978-1-62102-408-8
  • Run Time: 50 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2010
  • CC

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