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The Future of Capitalism: Meeting of the Minds (Enhanced DVD)

The Future of Capitalism: Meeting of the Minds (Enhanced DVD)
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Sit down with America's financial leaders as they discuss the future of capitalism, and what needs to change to make it a true success again.
Item Code: FI-47311
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

For hundreds of years America built itself on the idea of success by virtue of hard work. In light of recent economic unpredictability, many Americans are beginning to doubt the old way of thinking about capitalism. So, how can our economic infrastructure be salvaged, and what needs to change in order to help it survive?

In this CNBC production, the country’s top CEOs and analysts come together to discuss the ways business and government can work together. It is a delicate balance to maintain; While they have similar interests at heart, neither industry wants to be taken over by the other. Guest offer their solutions to the yo-yo effect the economy is recently experiencing. Some are radical, some reasonable, all are focused on returning America to the top of the world’s financial superpowers.

The Future of Capitalism: Meeting of the Minds

  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62102-358-6
  • Run Time: 47 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2010
  • CC

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