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Home and Away: Issues of Displacement in Australia's Indigenous Art (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-47260
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
What is the meaning of home for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people? Does it symbolize a site of comfort or a disputed land conflicted by colonization and protocol? Curator Hetti Perkins in this program takes the viewers into a journey of the land of the artists from Australia who grapple with the issues of displacement. At the freshly constructed headquarters of the Papunya Tula Artists cooperative, artist Bobby West Tjupurrula assists in exposing the truth behind the origin of the revolutionary Western Desert painting Movement.

Judy Watson residing in Brisbane utilizes in her work sketches of objects which in the earlier days were elements of ancestor’s lives, and , naughty mimih spirits roam in galleries of rock art in Arnhem land making an appearance in Crusoe Kurddal’s majestic dances and carvings . The video also profiles Flinders island residing photographer Ricky Maynard, Destiny Deacon, the photo-collage master who was born in Torres Strait and a lot of other people are also featured.

(Home and Away: Issues of Displacement in Australia's Indigenous Art, Enhanced DVD, 55 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-62102-351-7
Copy Right Date: 2010
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