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Art plus Soul: Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Artists (3-part series - Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-47259
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Sale-Price: $509.85

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Product Description:
In this program which is divided into three parts, Hetti Perkins, daughter of the famous Aboriginal activist Charlie Perkins, talks about her private, public and ancestral understanding as she transverses Australia to assemble work of the country’s modern aboriginal artists. She shares are in-depth feeling and many insights about her Art and her love for it. Throughout the video, she has words of encouragement for artists and encourages them to speak out and reveal the interesting stories associated with their many artworks.

This video helps the users to understand Aboriginal Art and enhances their know edge about the Art. This DVD offers a very good knowledge and understanding of the famous Aboriginal culture. Many aspects have been well dealt with in this video, which includes “Home and Away”, “Dreams and Nightmares” and “Bitter and Sweet” among answers. The video has answers to several questions, like how it feels to be home

Perkins also serves as the senior curator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art at Sydney’s Art Gallery of NSW. Perkins from the Gibson Desert to Brisbane, from western Arnhem Land to Melbourne investigates the different ways in which the country’s native artistic talents have developed over the past 30 years. It’s a breakneck agenda but enormously gratifying one, with Perkins inaugurating a large number of artists and artworks that viewers away from Australia would have never seen.

(Art plus Soul: Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Artists, Enhanced DVD, 3-part series, 55 minutes each.)
ISBN: 978-1-62102-350-0
Copy Right Date: 2010
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