Nomads are a people who form a community and travel from place to place to find pastures for their animals, food that is in season and ways to support their families. Traveling Nomads are the oldest form of community-living on earth, and there are still approximately 30-40 million people living as nomads in the world today.
This documentary is divided into a three-part series that observes the lives of nomadic peoples in the regions of Kashmiri, India, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Niger, Africa.
Their type of lifestyle has many stumbling blocks as you can imagine, but today’s nomads also must fight to hold on to their ancient traditions and customs. Modern civilization is constantly posing roadblocks to their lifestyle. Looking intimately into their ancient lifestyle and traditions, this digital DVD shows the dramatic changes they face and the courage and strength that keeps them alive. Global warming, advancing technology and globalization are more pressures of the 21st century that threaten the nomadic way of life. Nomads experience a constant conflict between their traditions and the growing pressures that confront them. Droughts and other weather conditions can present problems in producing and selling their traditional handicrafts, and this hinders their income.
This amazing three-part DVD set is approximately 159 minutes in length. Each episode shows the different nomadic groups of the region, their lifestyles and how they struggle keeping their traditions. They strive to succeed so their customs can be passed down to future generations. With exquisite photography, set on an educational format, your friends and family will marvel watching a culture that is so old.
Nomads: How Ancient Traveling Societies Persevere
- Enhanced DVD
- ISBN: 978-1-62102-307-4
- Run Time: 156 Minutes
- Copy Right Date: 2008
- CC