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Factors of Design 1: Innovation (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-44661
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
There are some issues which have ambiguous answers in every arena of the designer world. Important issues revolve around the topic of what is the secret of making a good design. Other issues include developing a innovative modern outlook to a product. This program seeks to answer all these questions as it examines the crucial factors that affect design. Recognizing the normal concepts of innovation under the guidance of an friendly host, the video features different workshops and design studios to witness new creative practices at work. Viewers encounter the team that works behind the EnterMo Blackberry case as they fashion a unique case design for mobile devices. Other integral topics include: functionality, newly developing technologies, customer requirements, obsolescence, ecological sustainability, codes of practice and the other elements that either restrict or increase various design criterions.

(Factors of Design 1: Innovation (Enhanced DVD, 17 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-62102-122-3
Copy Right Date: 2011
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