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Factors of Design (3-part series - Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-44660
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Sale-Price: $389.85

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Product Description:
A Designer has to tackle many issues in his head starting from artistic challenges, to tough question of meeting up to the demands of the consumers. At the same time he has to keep his mind open to various factors and develop a clear point of view. This program divided into three parts takes the viewers into a journey of what exactly goes on in the mind of designer and examines a number of issues employing case studies, expert supervision and amazing visuals and graphics. Other important episode themes talk about the significance of innovation, the bottom line budget problems which cannot be ignored by any designer and the ins and outs of regulating how a product will appear.

(Factors of Design (Enhanced DVD, 3-part series, 16-17 minutes each.)
ISBN: 978-1-62102-121-6
Copy Right Date: 2011
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