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Getting from Here to There: What the World's People Want—Ethical Markets 2 (Enhanced DVD)

Getting from Here to There: What the World's People Want—Ethical Markets 2 (Enhanced DVD)
This is a must-see panel discussion for understanding the impact of global monetary policy. Hazel Henderson moderates it. The guests are, Kenneth Rogoff (former chief economist for the IMF), Sakiko Fukuda-Parr (Director of the United Nations Human Development Program Report), and economist John Perkins.
Item Code: FI-44653
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Sale-Price: $99.95

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Product Description:

Hazel Henderson opens the show with a monologue about how global efforts now shift away from wasteful spending on excessive military budgets, to more appropriate uses of those same funds for sustainable development of the world. She notes that Costa Rica developed the first International Charter of Human Responsibilities to go along with the U.N.'s Charter of Human Rights.

Hazel states that grass roots efforts have united people through the global Internet. There is now the power of global public opinion. It is surprisingly similar in most countries the people want the same things. This global public opinion, for the first time in the history of humankind, now has the strength of numbers to influence global policy. As democracy emerges in many parts of the world, the demands for reform are a new dynamic able to influence changes in government and corporate activities. It is the age of truth and transparency in global policy.

Kenneth Rogoff, who used to be the chief economist for the International Monetary Fund discusses the aid given to countries, the effects of giving more aid, and the impact of giving grants rather than loans. Sakiko Fukuda-Parr suggests the World Trade Organization needs to adopt a global business model that is socially responsible. John Perkins says, even though the United Sates has the most wealth, Americans are some of the least happy people in the world. He also discusses the real meaning of profitability. They conclude with thoughts on what it means to achieve social economic balance.

Getting from Here to There: What the World's People Want—Ethical Markets 2

  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62102-119-3
  • Run Time: 28 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2005
  • CC

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