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Escaping the Web of Debt: Ethical Markets 3 (Enhanced DVD)

Escaping the Web of Debt: Ethical Markets 3 (Enhanced DVD)
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Debt; this word is enough to strike fear into the very hearts of Americans. But, how did this happen? How did being in deep debt become a social norm? How is it that two students can talk abut their loans and credit card debt over their coffee break instead of homework and study tips? In this documentary the viewer will learn about how America has gone from a gold standard to relying on credit cards in order to pay for our goods and services. 
Item Code: FI-44645
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Sale-Price: $99.95

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Product Description:

Have you ever wondered how America and Americans have gotten themselves into so much debt? In this documentary host Ellen Brown, author of the author of Web of Debt: The Shocking Truth about Our Money System and How We Can Break Free, takes a look at issues ranging form the gold standard, to loans, and credit card debt. Follow her as she explains about the evolution of the dollar and how it has helped and harmed the American monetary system to no longer have paper currency backed by gold. Brown then examines issues such as the 2008 market crash, the recent mortgage crisis, and the ever rising debt of America itself. Finally, she also discusses the Bank of Australia, a competent banking and monetary system. 

Additional Information:

  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62102-111-7
  • Run Time: 29 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2010
  • CC

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