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Dream and Machine: German Art—Romanticism to World War I (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-44023
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
The Bavarian Mountain is the place where Germany’s perception of nationhood and selfhood was constructed. The Romantic movement established Caspar David Friedrich as its earliest principal proponent making perhaps its delineating image in Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog. There emerged another liberal nationalistic group known as the Nazarene Brotherhood which comprised of members who were young emerging artists such as Johann Friedrich Overbeck and Philip Veit who spent their life as monks in a profane monastery.
Andrew Graham Dixon moves ahead with his exploration of the German Art by going through the works of 19th century and the early years of 20th century. He studied Art to find out how artists played an important role, in a drive to make Germany a single nation.
The program also reviews the 19th century German nation itself, the time in which there was a merging together of Bavarian Nationalism and German Romanticism in the splendid buildings of Ludwig I and his heir heirs. Viewers then make an entry into the historic Dresden, where the 20th century works of Ernest Kirchner, Emil Nolde, Otto Dix combined modern art techniques with German Renaissance art styles 400 years ago. The episode concludes with the start of World War I and the efforts of Otto Dix and Franz Marc to rationalize the experiences of the technological war.

(Dream and Machine: German Art—Romanticism to World War I Enhanced DVD, 50 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-62102-018-9
Copy Right Date: 2010
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