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The Art of Spiegelman: From Raw, to Maus, and Beyond (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-43881
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
This program features Pulitzer Prize winner Art Spiegelman as he gets candid about his life, his career and his different award winning creations. He talks his heart out about his creative process and presenting New York City as the background of his major works. In this video, Spiegelman speaks about the early days of his life, when he lived with his family in Sweden. He reveals that he derived inspiration from disasters and created comics.
He reveals many incidents of his life, from the start, to learning everything which is new. Every comic strip is said to be a reinvention. It reveals much about his depression, about his mother’s suicide and also about the problems of deportation. The video is well divided into a number of segments like events of 9/11, cover artist, recognition and awards, Maus publication, underground comics and Raw magazine among other segments.
The program also features Francoise Mouly, his better half and panels from his comic stuffs such as Maus , Raw Magazine . Spiegelman minces no words and gets candid about everything starting from using clips from home films. The program incorporates explicit language and imagery. The artist moves ahead and shares his final thoughts on his writing process and his drawings.

(The Art of Spiegelman: From Raw, to Maus, and Beyond, Enhanced DVD, 43 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61733-942-4
Copy Right Date: 2009
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