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Unconquered: Allan Houser and the Legacy of One Apache Family (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-43869
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
In the earlier decades of the century, Native American artists aspiring to sell thrir works to established collectors, had no other option than to create preconceived Hollywood mannered western scenes. Later, there emerged a new wave of painters, guided by Allan Houser, a Chiricahua Apache artist, having no fascination in conventional imagery.
His believed in the point that his own rich heritage was in perfect symmetry with the contemporary modernist techniques. Recounted by actor Val Kilmer, and ideally appointed as an integral part of Houser’s work at the Oklahoma History Center, this program aims at presenting the artist’s tribal lineage, his progress to regional and national popularity and the ongoing uninterrupted triumph of his sons as they try to carve out a different space for themselves.
This program is a good reflection of the history of the people who lived that time. It is about The Fort Sill Apache tribe and how they lived after being removed from their place in Arizona and New Mexico, to the many military forts. The DVD is about how three individuals made their unique path as accomplished artists. The video is about the story of their journey towards becoming accomplished artists while taking care of the cultural and family impact on creations. Major works are documented as is Houser’s office term at the Santa Fe- based institute of American Indian Arts. A great opportunity for everyone who does not have the opportunity to check out Allan Houser Gardens or his Sculpture gallery, to know about his sculpture work and related posters and gifts.

(Unconquered: Allan Houser and the Legacy of One Apache Family, Enhanced DVD, 60 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61733-776-5
Copy Right Date: 2008
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