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The Year of Anish Kapoor (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-43777
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Anish Kapoor is one of the most accomplished and influential sculptors of Great Britain. India born Anish Kapoor is one artist whose work has always garnered great reviews in the western circuit. His work which is considered to be out of the box has been appreciated by the general public and the critics alike. He is known mainly for staggering complexity in his works. All through his career, Kapoor has successfully worked with many engineers and architects. He believes that his work is not pure architecture nor pure sculpture.
Kapoor has different aspirations in his mind for his every design and this is reflected in his innovative work which shows unique blending of specific traditions. This program highlights the journey of the Asian artist and gives a glimpse of his working style as he works with his assistants in his studio at the same time arranges everything for his grand exhibition at London’s Royal Academy sculptures.
The film also provides spectacular views of his number of works which include C-Curve, Dismemberment of Jeanne d’Arc, Cloud Gate and Hive-the latter set in gallery along with the original Dutch shipyard where it originated. In this video, Anish speaks very candidly about his days in India, earlier years of struggle as an artist and mostly about his creative processes.

(The Year of Anish Kapoor , Enhanced DVD)
ISBN: 978-1-61733-723-9
Copy Right Date: 2009
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