The Day I Got the Sack: Owen's Story (DVD)
Product Description:
Owen is an apprentice in automobile manufacturing when he is forced to quit as a result of his employer being shut down. He is still not working a year later, and business coach Shaa Wasmund works with him to help him overcome his fears and introduces him to a motivational speaker who also has the same passion for vehicles and who is a Formula One driver. Shaa is able to get Owen to start believing himself again and helps him overcome his fear of heights. Shaa also gets Owen an internship with a racing car company. It is clear that Owen is passionate about vehicles and he makes plans to start his own vehicle customization business.
Segments in this video include:
Introduction to Owen's Story (02:16) – Owen had a full year left on his apprenticeship when his employer Rover-MG had to shut down and he lost the opportunity.
Week One: Coping With Loss of Dream Job (02:10) – Owen is coping with the loss of his dream job and is working on completing college courses.
Getting Out of Comfort Zone (02:08) – Owen overcomes his fear of heights and learns that you can accomplish anything that you set your mind to.
Week Two: Work Experience (03:01) – Owen’s first job did not go well. Shaa and Owen discuss his priorities and why he allowed the experience to deteriorate.
Finding Motivation (02:18) – Owen has to work on his communication skills. Mark Blundell, a Formula One racer speaks with him and shares his tips for launching his own business.
The Day I Got the Sack: Owen's Story
ISBN: 978-1-61733-632-4
Run Time: 24 Minutes
Copyright Date: 2006
Segments in this video include:
The Day I Got the Sack: Owen's Story
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