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A Conversation with Edward Steichen—From NBC's Wisdom Series (DVD)

Item Code: FI-43389
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
This is a documented NBC program featuring Edward Steichen, the famous American curator & Photographer who opted for this interview session in 1955 coinciding with his exhibition titled “Family of Man”. It also coincided with the 25th anniversary of the Museum of Modern Art.
The dialogue was held in a workroom at the museum. Steichen recounts his olden days, and recollects his career decisions, the one he started with painting but then went on to do photography. He also reflects upon his days sitting in his outside Paris studio in the year 1920 and detecting a gardener painting a copy of his own painting.
He thought the copy to be of a much higher quality than his own; he decided to dedicate himself to the camera and started capturing still life setups until he fully had learned the effects of lights and shadows. In addition to this, Steichen also gives an insight into his notions about war photography and his opinions regarding human experience which founded the concept of “Family of Man”.

(A Conversation with Edward Steichen—From NBC's Wisdom Series, DVD, 29 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61733-459-7
Copy Right Date: 1955
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