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A Conversation with Robert Moses—From NBC's Wisdom Series (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-43388
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
In this video Robert Moses talks about a Manhattan Bridge desktop model, a interview which he had given in 1959. Moses also interacts with Gilmore D. Clarke, the famous landscape architect, and discusses about urban planning, the way it is executed and the various financial and political sides which are associated with it.
Clearly agreeing with his widespread character notion as being a person who does not minces his words, Moses puts forward the argument that planners are those people who create beautiful pictures and present alluring ideas but the truth remains that they don’t implement their ideas. He also analyzes Jones Beach which attracted a lot of eyeballs as it was at the Manhattan public art exhibitions and Lincoln Square slum-clearing project.
Other discussion involves discussing the planning strategy in other cities like Flint, Michigan and Los Angeles. He also talks about the clash he has noticed between reform promoting and status quo politicians and the different challenging opportunities faced by the western European societies. The video includes ideas and information about diplomacy in business, about the role and contribution of planning, about education and art in planning, about reconstructing Western Europe and about planning and population among other things.

(A Conversation with Robert Moses—From NBC's Wisdom Series Enhanced DVD, 29 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61733-974-5
Copy Right Date: 1959
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