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Advertising Layout Part II: Visual Direction (DVD)

Item Code: FI-42304
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:
When students of advertising achieve a proper understanding of the concepts of visual principles, they may move on to the next higher level. Shifting to the next advanced level of modern breakthrough advertising methods, ensures rewards as well as customers. This program focuses on catching the reader’s attention with different layout notions which are popularly known as Mondrian, picture window, square zero, closure, silhouette, over sizing, juxtaposition and shock.
Other exemplary examples depict the way by which the graphic designers divert attention within an ad by employing a large number of compositional methods which include diagonal and also Standard, “C,” “z’, spatial and overlapping advancement. The video ends with a section dedicated to the significance and everyday use of sub headlines and also headlines.

(Advertising Layout Part II: Visual Direction DVD, 19 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61733-257-9
Copy Right Date: 2011
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