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Advertising Layout (2-part series - DVD)

Item Code: FI-42302
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Sale-Price: $259.90

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Product Description:
Creating a popular print ad, comprises a number of factors, such as a spirited combination of visual assumptions, understanding the psychological tendency of the consumer and nuts-and-bolts tinkering. This series, which is divided into two parts, offers an exploration of all the features described above, acquainting students with the different operational ideas which are employed by good graphic designers and advertising professionals on a regular basis. Both the episodes are just fully equipped with every necessary detail but their amiable run time makes them the ultimate one for coursework in marketing, advertising, design and commercial art.

(Advertising Layout, 2-part series, 19 minutes each. Length: 38 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61733-255-5
Copy Right Date: 2011
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