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Learning to Read (DVD)

Learning to Read (DVD)
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Learning to read is an age-old struggle for both the young and the old, and that struggle for the people around the world is chronicled in this film.
Item Code: FI-42293
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Striving to learn to read is something that people have done for centuries all over the world. In today's world, the ability to read is often taken for granted in societies that view it as a normal part of childhood. However, there are many people who have been unable to learn to read because of either cultural issues or because of disabilities. In this film, illiteracy in specific areas of Canada, including among those of the Webequie First Nation, are examined and the reasons behind cases of illiteracy are discussed. Economic issues often contribute to illiteracy today, but the owning of slaves more than a century ago was the cause of illiteracy among African Americans in the past. This past is discussed as well as the life of Frederick Douglass who left slavery behind and learned to read at the beginning of his illustrious career.
  • DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61733-298-2
  • Run Time: 52 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2009
  • CC

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