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The Magic of Reading (DVD)

The Magic of Reading (DVD)
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Travel through history to learn about the beginnings of reading and open your eyes to some current literacy topics with host Alberto Manguel.
Item Code: FI-42292
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Sit with host Alberto Manguel as he explores the history of reading and some other critical issues related to books and reading. He will take you on a tour to see the origins of reading and writing. Learn about and see inside the French cave of Lascaux. Manguel will travel with you to Mesopotamia where cuneiform began and where several historically relevant novels were written. He will also lead you through the historic Egyptian libraries. Hear him talk about ancient religious texts, and the difficulties surrounding personal interpretation of books that were written in ancient times in a different language. Hear his insight into the dangers of personal interpretation of these ancient texts. Manguel will also delve into the topic of literacy in underprivileged societies, where books are not commonly seen or used. This program is part of the series Empire of the Word: A Reader's Journey. (Portions in other languages with English subtitles, 52 minutes)
  • DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61733-297-5
  • Run Time: 52 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2009
  • CC

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