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Yunnan: Enchanted Forests and Shamans (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-42267
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
The Yunnan Province, situated in the southwest of China, houses a large proportion of multicultural minorities more than any other region in the country. The program investigates the different Yunnan-based societies and the different features of their cultures.
The Sani Community is erected close to the stone forest of Shilin, which is an awe inspiring example of karst geography and one of the major sites of the grand year end Torch Celebration. In Yuanyang, the Hani people are the originators of a cosmopolitan irrigation system better known as the Steps to Heaven. Dali, which is the capital of the old Baj kingdom, has attributes like towers which are at a altitude higher than the city gates and the grand Buddhist temple complex is in China. And the ancient city center of Lijiang which has been declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site is the mother land of a magnificent number of artisans and calligraphers.

(Yunnan: Enchanted Forests and Shamans (Enhanced DVD, 44 minutes)
Copy Right Date: 2007
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