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Hunan: Monks, Artists, and Mummies (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-42264
Avg. Rating

Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
The cultural resources of China’s Hunan province are universally very important as they are considered to be the remnants of ancient Greece or Egypt. These ethnic riches date back to above 2000 years ago and are considered to be the last traces of old Greece or Egypt.
The program investigates the area under the guidance of the artists and observers who are pioneer in valuing Hunan’s cultural past and its modern day issues. Here, the old teachings of Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism are still crucial as the daily confrontations of the monks and pilgrims suggest. Changsha which is the spectacular site of the Han graves is explored by a photographer. Fenghuang which is a splendidly located on the Tuo Jiang river is the hometown of the artist where he returns to inspect a palace and stately home.

(Hunan: Monks, Artists, and Mummies, Enhanced DVD, 44 minutes)
Copy Right Date: 2006
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