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Finding Your Customers: Marketing and Advertising Your Business (Enhanced DVD)

Finding Your Customers: Marketing and Advertising Your Business (Enhanced DVD)
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Learn the basics of marketing a business in a way that will allow you to make a lot of profit in a short amount of time!
Item Code: FI-42250
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Sale-Price: $99.95

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Product Description:

Many people confuse marketing with something that is easy. With social media becoming so popular, it is hard to see how marketing can be more difficult than simply posting an updated status on your business page. However, this is a grave mistake and it can really cause a company to crash and burn. Marketing and advertising are very important parts of successfully running and maintaining a business. There is so much that goes into successfully managing a marketing and advertising plan and you should be prepared if you want to succeed in your business. 

This DVD examines all of the basics of marketing and advertising that you should know when starting your company. You cannot simply expect people to come to you for your business. You must bring them to your company or business. The DVD also features advice and tips from entrepreneurs like yourself who have started a business and successfully brought traffic to the company. Through watching the DVD, you will learn what is necessary in the marketing and advertising strategy as well as how to start developing one specific to your company. Do not be fooled: marketing and advertising is a lot of work and it will never really stop. To be successful, you need to learn the basics now and help your business take off. 

This DVD is part of the 5 disk series about being your own boss. To see what other DVDs are available, please see the disk set available on our website.

Finding Your Customers: Marketing and Advertising Your Business

  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61733-517-4
  • Run Time: 25 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2011
  • CC

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