Design: A Team Approach (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
Every individual aspires to win accolades and gain a place for himself in the world arena. However, the truly excellent designers know that at the end of the day it is the team effort which is going to matter. Individual excellence may be an integral element but team effort is what makes for the winning combination.
This program highlights the working styles and techniques of design teams and independent designers who work together in a joint setting utilize materials, techniques and processes to build a product. Viewers also acquire the knowledge of the significance of working together as a close knit family for achieving a goal, starting with a interview with a client and going through the many-sided design phases to finally reach the production and manufacturing stage. Particular topics include documentation, client feedback and combining old and modern technologies.
( Design: A Team Approach, Enhanced DVD, 25 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61733-222-7
Copy Right Date: 2010
This program highlights the working styles and techniques of design teams and independent designers who work together in a joint setting utilize materials, techniques and processes to build a product. Viewers also acquire the knowledge of the significance of working together as a close knit family for achieving a goal, starting with a interview with a client and going through the many-sided design phases to finally reach the production and manufacturing stage. Particular topics include documentation, client feedback and combining old and modern technologies.
( Design: A Team Approach, Enhanced DVD, 25 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61733-222-7
Copy Right Date: 2010
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