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Olafur Eliasson: Space Is Process (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-42205
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
How can space be so productive? How it so challenging and what is it that makes it so intriguing? Danish Island artist rightly says that seeing space is indeed a portrait which is full of awe and mystery all by itself. This documentary film follows this famous influential artist while trying to understanding the many implications of Olafur and his missions, which help in creating installations which change space and also the mindset which is within us.

The film revolves around many projects from their start to finish, offering the viewers a great opportunity to meet the talented artist who is described as media shy artist. This is a unique opportunity helping users to understand what is happening behind scenes. The renowned Danish Icelandic Artist Olafur Eliasson has carved a space for himself in the art arena owing to his innovative grand scale ordinations that position the viewers in the ambivalent areas between communal and individual realization starting from the massive golden sun of The Weather Assignment at the Tate Modern to the New York Waterfalls.

The program was captured over a vast span of time and shows the legendary artist’s brilliant work in different locations of the World. His Interviews in English language are worth a watch and offer a glimpse of the challenges which are faced by the talented artist, during his career and how he overcame each hurdle. The document is all well merged with his working style scenes from his studio along with the distinctive vast locations in which he creates scriptures, captures photographs and builds fascinating automatic drawing machines. The chief point of his work emerges: how our world is determined by different ideological, natural and superficial structures.

(Olafur Eliasson: Space Is Process, Enhanced DVD, 56 minutes)
Copy Right Date: 2009
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