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Creativity with Bill Moyers: Norman Lear (Enhanced DVD)

Creativity with Bill Moyers: Norman Lear (Enhanced DVD)
An interview with the man who burst into American homes and changed the face of television forever -- Bill Moyers interviews the legendary, writer, producer and visionary, Norman Lear.
Item Code: FI-42077
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Norman Lear, the icon and Hollywood royalty, provides Bill Moyers with a rich opportunity to give students and anyone wanting to break into the business an up close and first-hand account of how to make it and thrive. The master storyteller has been in on groundbreaking television from All In The Family; Archie Bunker's Place, and Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman to name just a few. Norman Lear's producing company Act III Productions also produced such legendary films as Fried Green Tomatoes, Stand By Me, and The Princess Bride. Mr. Moyers takes behind-the-scene conversations with talent from Lear's creations that include Carroll O'Conner, Marla Gibbs, Bonnie Franklin and others. This treasure also includes memories by Mr. Lear covering his childhood, as well as impressions from his wife. The 58-minute interview is but a glimpse into Mr. Lear's long, and a prestigious career spanning almost a half century. Known greatly for mowing down race and economic lines, he is the man who has given so many in the business today the verve and compass to go by in the shark-infested waters of Hollywood.

Creativity with Bill Moyers: Norman Lear
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62102-070-7
  • Run Time: 57 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 1982
  • CC

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