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Creativity with Bill Moyers: John Huston (Enhanced DVD)

Creativity with Bill Moyers: John Huston (Enhanced DVD)
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Whether a fan, budding cinema director or curious observer, this Bill Moyers interview with award-winning director John Huston will provide important insight on the art of Hollywood moviemaking.
Item Code: FI-42075
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
When one wants to learn about a particular craft, it is always wise to ask for the advice of someone at the top of the particular profession. These experts have proven themselves proficient over the years.

In this case, Bill Moyers, himself an acclaimed journalist, interviews John Huston, winner of two Academy Awards for Sierra Madre. Set in an exclusive private villa in Mexico, the episode is a half hour of enlightening discussion about the trials, tribulations and triumphs Huston witnessed during his illustrious career. As an added bonus, the director allows Moyers and the viewing audience to visit the shooting of his popular film Annie.

This historic interview occurred in 1982, before Huston died in 1987.

Creativity with Bill Moyers: John Huston
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-62102-068-4
  • Run Time: 29 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 1982
  • CC

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