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Art and Design: Insights into the Visual Arts (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-41964
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
One question that has remained unanswered throughout the ages revolves around the topic of the painters and their muses. Where do painters and artists find their muses? Is it so easy to draw inspiration and develop such masterpieces?

Other striking questions revolve around the phenomenon of what is considered to be the major difference between the creative processes of video artists, sculptors and embroiders of fine arts. This program attempts to answer all such issues by engulfing the viewer into the studio space and diverts their attention to the unending opportunities and possibilities of art and design. It also seeks to find answer to the question, as how artists and painters deal with the business side of their work? Is it easy for them to take care of it?

The program which is divided into various sections namely one two and three highlights different complex topics by featuring interview with the modern stalwarts of the U.K Arts Section, which is quite a treat for the art lovers. Section one named “Artists and ideas’’ probes to find out the major sources of inspiration, the immense significance of drawing and diverse range of functions for sketchbooks and journals, which helps to make the masterpieces. Section two titled “Art Practice” deals with the issue of growth of ideas, artistic materials and techniques and the advantages of criticism and the unique interactive cooperation between the artist, his surroundings and his tools which help him to come up with such brilliant masterpieces. The 3rd section entitled “Art at Work” focuses on the subject of earning a livelihood from art and the significance and worth of art in public sphere. Every aspect is explained in detail and accurately, much to the amusement of art lovers.

(Art and Design: Insights into the Visual Arts, Enhanced DVD, 59 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61616-918-3
Copy Right Date: 2009
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