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Beijing 798: The Chinese Avant-Garde (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-41364
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
In the 1950’s China’s ordnance plant underwent a major transformation to emerge as the country’s centre of modern art. Factory 798 which was renovated in 1950 has become the ideal destination for China’s art lovers. This area is well known as Factory 798 or 798 Art District. Technically, Factory 798 is one of the many several structures which are located within a complex, which was well known as Joint Factory 718. This complex is known to be vacated at a time when the artist community in Beijing was searching for a new home. Avante Garde Art was initially frowned by the government and hence the community stayed mostly on the outskirts of the city.

The programs chronicles Chinese sculptors and painters whose work in Factory 798 has transformed Beijing into a major destination for artistic creations, which made it a paradise of art lovers across the Globe 798 Art zone or popularly known Dashanzi Art district, is an integral part of Dashanzi in the famous Chaoyang District in Beijing. This is one of the areas which houses one of the most thriving artistic communities, decommissioned military factory buildings of some unique architectural marvel which stood out from the rest of the buildings.

Various interviews consist of some of the most famous painters like Yang Shaobin, the famous sculptor Wang Shugang along with innovative Photographers Inri and the famous Rong Rong. The Gallery owners dedicate their success to the best of their creative freedom which passed in their hands at the termination of their Cultural rebellion. A major chunk of an archival material which comprises of rushes from the famous Fang Lijun exhibition which was held in Changsha in China along with internal news about DIAF festival that protected this complex from destruction is also featured.

(Beijing 798: The Chinese Avant-Garde, Enhanced DVD, 92 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61616-853-7
Copy Right Date: 2008
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