The Question Mark Inside: Martin Firrell's Art at St. Paul's Cathedral (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
This marks the first time when Firell allowed cameras in his creative area, which is by itself quite an event. Art lovers are mesmerized as the scenes unfold and they get to see an extraordinary world of the creations. This amazing documentary film, follows the most famous and controversial project, from its very beginning to the end, something which has never been done before. The documentary has interviews from some of the major faith leaders, popular writers, renowned atheists and several philosophers. This is a straightforward arts documentary which is a must-see for all Art lovers.
Artist Martin Firrell is a pioneer in the concept of grand scale projections of the legendary architecture and the text messages which highlight different ground breaking questions on the faith, on human right issues and diversity among different cultures along with other subjects. Firrell is quite a compelling personality. We learn that his negotiations with the bureaucrats of the Cathedral make idiosyncratic and singular viewing – the world of modern world rubbing against men of cloth.
Outlined as “the artful dodger meets Einstein meets an explosion in a sequin factory,’’ this is the first instance where Firell has employed cameras inside his imaginative process.
As an innovative idea, this program also delves deeply into the debatable project of St. Paul’s Cathedral starting from the first to the last and comprises of description of work coming from various religious heads, atheists and philosophers along with writers. From Firell’s interaction with Cathedral bureaucrats to the notions of common Londoners. This film provides an enthralling juxtaposition of cultural and many aesthetic and religious problems. Quite an engaging and entertaining film which offers a unique insight to some of the most intriguing art commissions we get to see in 21st century, that too on a London landmark which gets more than 2 million visitors every year.
(The Question Mark Inside: Martin Firrell's Art at St. Paul's Cathedral, Enhanced DVD, 52minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61616-831-5
Copy Right Date: 2009
Artist Martin Firrell is a pioneer in the concept of grand scale projections of the legendary architecture and the text messages which highlight different ground breaking questions on the faith, on human right issues and diversity among different cultures along with other subjects. Firrell is quite a compelling personality. We learn that his negotiations with the bureaucrats of the Cathedral make idiosyncratic and singular viewing – the world of modern world rubbing against men of cloth.
Outlined as “the artful dodger meets Einstein meets an explosion in a sequin factory,’’ this is the first instance where Firell has employed cameras inside his imaginative process.
As an innovative idea, this program also delves deeply into the debatable project of St. Paul’s Cathedral starting from the first to the last and comprises of description of work coming from various religious heads, atheists and philosophers along with writers. From Firell’s interaction with Cathedral bureaucrats to the notions of common Londoners. This film provides an enthralling juxtaposition of cultural and many aesthetic and religious problems. Quite an engaging and entertaining film which offers a unique insight to some of the most intriguing art commissions we get to see in 21st century, that too on a London landmark which gets more than 2 million visitors every year.
(The Question Mark Inside: Martin Firrell's Art at St. Paul's Cathedral, Enhanced DVD, 52minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61616-831-5
Copy Right Date: 2009
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