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Once Upon a Time (DVD)

Item Code: FI-40677
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Once Upon A Time, a part of the How Art Made The World is a hit series which boasts of many unforgettable characters which are wonderfully entangled in a web of romance, enchantment and action, in some of the best graphics and wonderful imagery, some of which never seen before. Viewers get to immerse themselves in the magical world of the characters which are frozen in time and are trapped in between two worlds.
The modern movie may have emerged as the most dominant and potent medium of storytelling in the entire course of history but it is a thing to be known that the capability to motivate as well as amuse by merging together words and pictures is not a fresh concept. The film moves ahead and makes some subtle comparisons to explain various concepts and developments which have been witnessed in the next few years.

This program focuses on the concept of the ancient origin of the filmic narrative form and its development throughout the different centuries. Starting from the old city of Mesopotamia, this film shows the Epic of Gilgamesh as one of the ancient hero stories- the one so powerful that it induced the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal to the consignment of exemplary stone friezes. There are many more examples beautifully depicted in the movie, such as the Greco-Roman scriptures representing the tale of Odysseus.

The military triumphs are extraordinary narrated on Trajan’s column for better viewing. The Australian Aboriginal paintings depicted are breathtaking but the most striking feature of the movie is the cinematic quality -a soundtrack, never heard before. Filmed with excellent graphics, and with overall extraordinary quality and unmatched detailing, the program is worth a watch for all movie lovers.

(Once Upon a Time, DVD, 49 minutes)
ISBN: 978-1-61616-271-9
Copy Right Date: 2005
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