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That's News to Me: The Transformation of Journalism in a Wired Society (DVD)

That's News to Me: The Transformation of Journalism in a Wired Society (DVD)
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Unite the newsroom and teach all staff how writers, bloggers, and journalists converge technologically in the modern era.

Item Code: FI-40617
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Sale-Price: $99.95

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Product Description:
Young professionals in their 20s are the central focus of this program, which reviews the ever-increasing impact that the Internet, social media, apps, and other forms of technology has had on basic communication. The way that news is reported has transformed, and this DVD seeks to answer such questions as whether a blogger can count as a journalist, if professional writers can still retain an objective eye during reports, and about credibility and which sources are best to use. This short, 30-minute video is perfect for journalism professors and newspaper owners alike to show to students or peers.

That's News to Me: The Transformation of Journalism in a Wired Society (DVD)
  • DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61616-154-5
  • Run time: 28 minutes
  • Copyright date: 2008
  • CC

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