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The Lost Libraries of Timbuktu (Enhanced DVD)

The Lost Libraries of Timbuktu (Enhanced DVD)
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A valuable insight into one of the greatest treasures of the West African nation of Mali.  Forced underground by early colonial interests, these vast collections preserve some of the greatest resources for Islamic scholars ever preserved.  
Item Code: FI-40567
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:

The story of the greatest collections of ancient scientific and religious texts known to man and how, forced underground by early colonial interests, scientists and scholars alike are attempting to gain access to these treasures.  Viewers will have priceless insights from experts around the world about how these resources are the keys to our knowledge of African and Islamic history and tradition.  Dramatic insights can also be gained from understanding how Africa and the world as a whole would have been different if these collections had not be forced underground.

The Lost Libraries of Timbuktu (Enhanced DVD)

*  ISBN:  978-1-60825-992-2

*  Run Time: 52 Minutes

*  Copyright Date: 2008

*  CC

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