Made in China: The People's Republic of Profit (Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
CNBC original programs focus takes a look at the astronomical economic growth of China. It seems that China's 21st century debut into the world American business in making intriguing world history in the business industry. CNBC explores the world of Chinese capitalism, while making comparisons to American capitalism. The U.S. is the only country on the globe, that is able to rival China's wealth, and CNBC provides an interesting discussion with American leaders about expanding into China's market. China, home to 1.3 billion people, is the largest population of the world. China is home to 400,000 millionaires, and America surpasses China in wealth, by being the home to many more billionaires. CNBC introduces you to Micheal Yu, and education technology Pioneer, Jonathon Lee, a guitar manufacturer, and Robin Li, Baidu search engine creator, to give you insight into those who are helping to build the wealth of China. CNBC evens looks at an increase in home ownership in China.