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House of Cards: America's Mortgage Meltdown (Enhanced DVD)

House of Cards: America's Mortgage Meltdown (Enhanced DVD)
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The early and mid-2000's have been a struggle economically on a world scale. In this DVD you will learn how countries economies impact each other, who was responsible for the economic crash, and how the real estate market has impacted the economy and how it has been effected by the crash. Also learn about how those deemed responsible for the crash have been punished and what it is going to take to revive what has been a struggling economy. 
Item Code: FI-40551
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Sale-Price: $179.95

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Product Description:

Those who experience a situation first hand are more interesting to listen to; this is why CNBC has created this documentary about the failing economy by speaking with hose responsible. This documentary follows the first hand stories of CEO's, mortgage brokers, and investment brokers. Follow the stories of those who wanted to own a home so badly that they let the bank talk them into mortgages they would never be able to pay; causing them to lose their houses when the economy crashed in the early 2000's. Those considered responsible for the crash speak out, explaining their side of the story and how their greed led to a nation wide and somewhat worldwide economic crisis. 

Additional Details:

  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-61616-460-7
  • Run Time: 90 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2009
  • CC

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