Genetic Science: Where Is It Leading Us? (3-part series - Enhanced DVD)
Product Description:
Stem cell research, cloning, and DNA research are all growing areas in the fields of environmental science and healthcare. Through interviews with leading genetics researchers, exploring the social issues and ramifications of altering genetics and using stem cell research, and investigating the news coverage of the issues filmmakers seek to create an nformative an provocative discussion about the genetic issues of the day. Research into in vitro fertilization (IVF) was one of the first instances of genetic research in mainstream media. Once that research was well established other research such as genetic testing of embryos and fetuses and the use of stem cell research to aid genetic scientists became hot button topics in society at large. More controversial topics also began to surface. Ideas such as the use of stem cells harvested from unborn and aborted fetuses, cloning, genetic modification, and epigenetics (how food affects genetic markers in humans) have all garnered impassioned and often violent debate throughout the United States and worldwide. The ethics surrounding genetic research in general, more specifically stem cell research and cloning, are complex and often hotly debated. Many of these research trials include research to find cures for many forms of cancer and other complex, chronic diseases. Supporters say that life is precious, anything that can be done to improve the lives of humans should be. Opponents say that life is precious, all life, unborn or not and that those lives have value as well. This program presents the facts and leaves it to the individual viewer to make those ethical decisions for themselves. (3 20-37 minute segments)