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Alternative Dispute Resolution (Enhanced DVD)

Alternative Dispute Resolution (Enhanced DVD)
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The pressure that a lawsuit can bring in terms of finances is a subject that must be discussed in today's society and this documentary explores the legal system in Australia and uncovers the effects of long term litigation on the financial status of those involved in a case.
Item Code: FI-40225
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Sale-Price: $129.95

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Product Description:

Dispute resolutions have long been part of the legal system. This documentary takes a close look at the ways in which Australian courts implement these processes. It shows that when someone is involved in a court case that leads to a dispute resolution both parties involved in the dispute actually benefit from a resolution being reached.

The various topics related to this issue that are discussed in the documentary include arbitration, mediation performed by a third party and legal negotiations. The most common types of court cases where alternative dispute resolution is used are corporate and domestic disputes. The process of carrying out alternative dispute resolutions in these types of cases is discussed in the documentary. There is also an assessment that outlines the ways in which dispute resolutions are effective and the level of effectiveness is also discussed. Much of the information in this DVD is factual information pertaining to how and why the cost of an alternative dispute resolution varies. In many cases this is the most cost efficient type of resolution that can be reached between two parties.

In addition to the DVD itself those who purchase it are given exclusive access to online educational resources to help viewers learn more about alternative dispute resolution. These resources can be viewed online or printed out for an individual's convenience in studying them.

DVD features include:

  • Enhanced DVD picture and video quality
  • Copyright date of 2008
  • Run time of 28 minutes
  • Closed captioned for deaf viewers
  • ISBN: 978-1-60825-457-6

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