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Cinema Asia: Iran (Enhanced DVD)

Cinema Asia: Iran (Enhanced DVD)
Iran has a vibrant film industry even though certain subjects such as those depicting violence, sex, and using obscenity are forbidden by the government.
Item Code: FI-40155
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Some of the films coming out of Iran are quite beautiful. The stories are touching and many feature children. One popular film called "Children of Heaven" tells the story of a boy who by accident loses the only pair of shoes that his sister owns and has to hide this calamity from his poor father and mother who is in ill health. Since children are still of the age of innocence, they are popular as subjects for Iranian films. Because Iran is an Islamic country, films are censored by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. Films are not allowed to show sex or violence according to Islamic traditions. Most Iranian films tell real stories. A famous Iranian film director is Abbas Kiarostami. His films focus on simple storylines and exploration of the individual characters that appear in the films. There is a strong historical tradition of oral storytelling in Iran and an enjoyment by many of poetry. This influences the types of films made in Iran. When the religious-based Iranian revolution occurred during the 1970s, everything that had any relation to Western culture was suddenly despised. This included liquor and movies. Cinema theaters were set afire by angry mobs. This Cultural Revolution almost killed the Iranian film industry, but it has since bounced back. One film called “the Cow” made in 1969 was supported by the Ayatollah because of its simple and charming theme. This allowed films to be made that were not considered “corrupt,” which revived the Iranian film industry from its near destruction. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have inspired modern Iranian filmmakers who are now making films that receive international acclaim.

Cinema Asia: Iran
  • Enhanced DVD
  • ISBN: 978-1-60825-323-4
  • Run Time: 51 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2007
  • CC

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