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Cinema Asia (4-part series - DVD)

Cinema Asia (4-part series - DVD)
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This 4 DVD documentary set will introduce you to the new and different worlds of film making from Asia with clips from important movies made in the area.
Item Code: FI-40152
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Sale-Price: $679.80

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Product Description:
Movies made outside Hollywood in other countries, specifically in Asia, are changing the way movies are made all over the world. Hollywood adapts these films and imitates or pays homage to their striking and unique visuals. These four documentaries introduce the viewer to the new and exciting film industries. Each DVD includes clips from important movies made over the years from India, China, Korea, and Iran. All the movie scenes shown include English subtitles. You will learn about these different creative worlds from clips from movies and industry leaders and critics. Each documentary helps the student of cinema see movies made in new ways and new ways to see the movies.

Cinema Asia (4-part series - DVD)
  • ISBN: 978-1-60825-315-9
  • Run Time: 204 Minutes
  • Copyright Date: 2007
  • CC

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