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Eugene and Berenice: Pioneers of Urban Photography (Enhanced DVD)

Item Code: FI-40087
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Sale-Price: $169.95

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Product Description:
Paris and New York are probably the most photographed cities during their golden days, credited to two of the most talented photographers of that time. The photographers, who documented the amazing, extremely precious images of these cities, during the golden days, were linked in a very special way and their beautiful companionship paved the way for many future photographers, keen on learning the art of photography. Eugene Atget, often referred to as father of modern photography, embraced heartfelt realism, which influenced many younger generations photographers, like Berenice Abbott an American. Abbot was the person who championed him in the next few years of his career and went on to carry on his rich legacy in the next forty years. This gave the world a rich photographic heritage, treasured and to be archived for the next few years.

The program smartly examines work of both artists with intricate details about how the paths of both the artists crossed one another, in the middle of Parisan avant-garde. It gives a brief insight into their lives, their work culture, ethics, passion and above all their love for photography and desire to excel in their love for photography. It is said that Atget’s work would have been actually lost, if there was no effort from Berenice Abbott and together they worked like a genius team, excelling in their team like no one else. Both the genius photographers got together and worked for many years and later were referred to as the Pioneers of Urban Photography. This program sheds a little light on a very unlikely connection to surrealists, slowly helping viewers in understanding aesthetic and also personal bond, which was shared between them. The program also has a rare, precious archival interview footage that features Abbott that includes commentary from photographers who are working today.

(Eugene and Berenice: Pioneers of Urban Photography, Enhanced DVD, 52 minutes.)
ISBN: 978-1-60825-151-3
Copy Right Date: 2008
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