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AllerAir 4000 Vocarb Air Purifier

When you're bothered by smoke, fumes and toxins in the air, clean it up with the allerair 4000 Vocarb Air Purifier. This air cleaner uses multiple filters to clean particles of various sizes out of the air. 

Item Code: AA-4000-Vocarb
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Sale-Price: $599.98
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Product Description:

If you want a high-powered air purifier, this is the model that will keep the air clean in a large space. Filter the air in an area up to 1,200 square feet and change the air every 30 minutes to ensure that new fumes won't take over the air. The A true HEPA filter, a carbon filter and two anti-microbial filters keep the air free from odors, bacteria and other particles. Keep everything from cold germs to volatile organic compounds out of the air with this purifier. The 10 lbs of activated carbon allow you to neutralize harsh chemicals like ammonia and formaldehyde. Clean out the pre-filter easily to keep larger particles out of the air and keep them from affecting the filters that catch small particles.

  • 10 lbs impregnated, activated carbon filter for volatile organic compounds and other airborne chemicals 
  • True HEPA filter for particles 
  • Cleanable pre-filter for larger particles 
  • 2 anti-microbial filters to suppress bacteria 
  • 3 speed 400 CFM 
  • Effective for 1200 sq.ft. 
  • Changes air every 30 minutes

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