Allerair 4000 Exec Air Purifier

Allerair 4000 Exec Air Purifier - Click to enlarge

To improve the the air quality in a room, use the Allerair 4000 Exec Air Purifier to take the pollutants out of it. This purifier uses a HEPA filter to take even extremely fine particles out of the air.

Item Code: AA-4000-Exec

Sale-Price: $579.99
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Product Description:

If you want a room to have the best air quality possible, you need an air filter that will take out particles large and small as well as bacteria from the air. With this air purifier, there is one place for large particles to collect inside the purifier, and that areas can be easily cleaned out. Smaller particles are caught inside a true HEPA filter. The four-stage filtration system includes two filters to catch microbes to clear bacteria from your indoor air. This purifier is perfect for using in schools and community centers where large number of people gather. Keep the air clean and healthy and ready for artists of any age. 

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