Richeson Manikin 4 1/2"

Richeson Manikin 4 1/2
Item Code: JR710108

List $9.40
Sale-Price: $8.99
You Save: $0.41 (4%)

Product Description:
One 4.5" MANIKIN. This is an adorable 4 1/2” manikin. This ultra-small manikin makes a great addition to your collection. With it's small size it is very portable. Small in size but big in personality, it is a great tool to bring with you when you travel and can’t take your larger sized manikins. Easily transportable in a purse or backpack. Comes with a stand and made from high quality hardwood that is durable and can withstand wear and tear as you move them around. Affordably priced but built with quality and durability in mind.

I personally do not understand how this small item ended up with Oversized Shipping, but in it's box it comes up with a rate of 14.95.

Customer Reviews

Product Reviews

5 out of 5, Based on 1 Reviews.
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North Scituate, RI
May 07, 2006

This seller carries an item (ulta-small wooden manikins) that OUGHT to be available at ANY decent art supply store, only it was not. At Madison Art Shop I was able to navigate their site with ease, locate the item, make payment and receive shipment of the item within a very reasonable amount of time. This was all accomplished with excellent communication from Madison Art Shop throughout the process. They can count on my repeat business for similar purchases and I have now bookmarked their site as the FIRST place to go to for any item that might be a bit outside-the-ordinary. Thank You to Madison Art Shop for being a seller who understands how to create the experience of Internet commerce the way it is supposed to be conducted...

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