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RICHESON 7000 Quiller Round Series Size 24 Brush

RICHESON 7000 Quiller Round Series Size 24 Brush
Item Code: JR700024
Avg. Rating

List $109.95
Sale-Price: $39.99
You Save: $69.96 (64%)

Product Description:
The 7000 Quiller Round Series Size 24 Brush (one size 24 brush) is a round brush that has a very fine needle point tip that can create very detailed artworks. The body of the brush is designed to be able to absorb a large amount of color and the color is released gradually on the paper rather than all at once. This synthetic brush is available at a much lower cost than real hair brushes and it has a black handle as well as gold ferrule. The brush is easy to use and works perfectly for any type of watercolor application.
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